Svetozar Marinkovic: Robin Givens’ Ex-husband?

svetozar marinkovic

Svetozar Marinkovic is a tennis coach from Yugoslavia who rose to prominence after marrying Robin Givens, the ex-wife of famed boxer Mike Tyson.

A Tale of Love, Fame, and Mysterious Beginnings. Join us as we delve into the captivating life of a man whose whirlwind romance with actress Robin Givens left the world intrigued and curious. Let’s explore the secrets of Svetozar’s past and the mysteries of his present.

Svetozar Marinkovic’s Background

Svetozar Marinkovic hails from the former Yugoslavia, where boundaries once blurred. Born and raised in this Southeastern European nation, pinpointing his exact location is challenging. Nevertheless, his ethnicity remains firmly rooted in his Yugoslavian heritage.

Early Life Remains a Mystery

Details about Svetozar’s early life, including his age and parents, have remained closely guarded secrets. His private life is shrouded in mystery.


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Love Blossoms with Robin Givens

Love knows no boundaries. Svetozar Marinkovic and Robin Givens embarked on their journey of Love back in the 1990s. Reports suggest that their love story began in 1996, a year filled with cherished moments.

A Heavenly Wedding

On August 22, 1997, Svetozar Marinkovic and Robin Givens took their vows in a private beachside ceremony at San Diego’s Hotel Del Coronado. Marinkovic, a tennis instructor, was the guardian angel who entered Givens’ life, as a UPN television spokeswoman described.


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A Short-Lived Marriage

Despite their initial compatibility, their marital bliss was fleeting. The union, like a shooting star, lasted a mere seven minutes. The reasons for this abrupt end remain undisclosed, with rumors suggesting issues of commitment and patience.

The Quick Divorce

Robin Givens filed for divorce in December 1997, and the legal proceedings concluded in September 1998. Their divorce was relatively amicable, considering the brevity of their union and the absence of children.

Svetozar’s Life After Divorce

Svetozar Marinkovic chose the path of privacy following his divorce from Robin. He remains an enigma, keeping his personal life hidden from the public. It’s still being determined whether he found new Love or remains single.


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Robin Givens’ Love Life Continues

In contrast, Robin Givens continued to make headlines in romance. After her divorce from Marinkovic, she ventured into various relationships.

Murphy Jensen and a Son Named Billy

A year after her split from Svetozar, Robin found Love with tennis player Murphy Jensen. Their relationship led to the birth of a son, William “Billy” Jensen, in 1999.

A Brief Romance with Howard Stern

From 1999 to 2000, Robin dated veteran radio and TV personality Howard Stern. However, their love story was destined to be short-lived.


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Marcus Schenkenberg’s Fling

Robin’s romantic journey continued with Marcus Schenkenberg, a well-known name. Their relationship lasted from 2005 to 2006 before coming to an end.

Hosea Chan Chez’s Love

Hosea Chanchez was Robin’s last known lover, and their relationship lasted for a year, similar to her previous romances.

svetozar marinkovic
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The Elusive Svetozar Marinkovic

Svetozar Marinkovic’s life post-divorce remains a mystery, with little information about his whereabouts and activities. His decision to retreat from the spotlight has contributed to the enigma surrounding him. He is leading a fulfilling life, possibly pursuing a photography career, far from the prying eyes of the media.




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